The Co-Authors

The book authors come from leading companies using controlled experiments.

Ron Kohavi

Ron Kohavi

VP and Technical Fellow, Airbnb

Ron Kohavi is now consulting and teaching. He was Vice President and Technical Fellow at Airbnb and a Technical Fellow and Corporate VP at  Microsoft.  Prior to Microsoft, he was the director of data mining and personalization at  He has a PhD in Computer Science from Stanford University.  More at

His papers have over 55,000 citations and three of his papers are in the top 1,000 most-cited papers in Computer Science.

Diane Tang

Diane Tang

Fellow, Google

Diane Tang is a Google Fellow, with expertise in large-scale data analysis and infrastructure, online controlled experiments, and ads systems. She has an AB from Harvard and MS/PhD from Stanford, and has patents and publications in mobile networking, information visualization, experiment methodology, data infrastructure, and data mining / large data.

Ya Xu

Ya Xu

Head of Data Science and Experimentation, LinkedIn

Ya Xu heads Data Science and Experimentation at LinkedIn. She has led LinkedIn to become one of the most well-regarded companies when it comes to A/B testing. Before LinkedIn, she worked at Microsoft and received a PhD in Statistics from Stanford University. She is widely regarded as one of the premier scientists, practitioners and thought leaders in the domain of experimentation, with several filed patents and publications. She is also a frequent speaker at top conferences, universities and companies across the country.